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● The Cliffside Park Chamber of Commerce was first organized in 1940.
● Mr Louis Ghiosay (1879-1979) The owner of Ghiosay’s Pharmacy was elected the first President.
● Charles Roller’s Meat Market was located at 334 Cliff Street in the 1920s.
● Anderson Deli and Liquor at 739 Anderson Ave was the Venice Delicatessen in 1928.
● Larry’s Florist at 662 Anderson Avenue was the L&M Florist from 1930 to 1951 when the Pinto family purchased it, and has been a family-owned business from 1951 – one of the oldest family-owned businesses on Anderson Ave.
● The Hudson City Savings Bank located at 680 Anderson Avenue was Michaelsens Auto Parts and Garage. Mr. Michaelsens donated to Cliffside Park its first motorized fire engine in 1917
● Miller’s Bakery has been located at 716 Anderson Avenue since 1947.
● Ben Franklin’s Five Cents to One Dollar Variety Store was located at 715 Anderson Avenue in the 1940s.
● The Polka Dot Tavern was located at 256 Palisades Avenue, Grantwood Section of Cliffside Park.
● Mandee’s Clothing store located at 729 Anderson was Woolworth’ 5 & 10 Cent Store.
● D’Amore Jewelers located at 731 Anderson Avenue opened in 1917 and is the oldest family-owned business in Cliffside Park.
● Mr. C. Gerrity’s Meat Market located at 631 Palisades Avenue opened in 1922.
● Mrs. J. Rotkewics Stationary Store located at 279 Palisades Avenue opened in 1938.
● Napoli Jewelers located at 709 Anderson Avenue opened in the mid-1920s by Mr. P. Napoli and closed its doors in 2006.
● Parent Door located at 558 Anderson Avenue opened in 1953 by Mr. Norman Parent and is still a family-owned and operated business.
● Mr. Christo Borgos and his wife Felisia opened the Anderson Diner located at 703 Anderson Avenue in 1973 and it is still a family operated business. (Permantly Closed)
● The Cardinal Lanes Bowling Alley was located at 515 Anderson Avenue and in 1967 was destroyed by fire. An apartment house now occupies the site.
● A. K. Macagna Funeral Home located at 495 Anderson Avenue opened in 1968 and is still a family operated business.
● The Dairy Shop Ice Cream Store opened in 1980 and was located at 455 Gorge Road. The owner was Mr. Bob Thiemann, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thiemann who ran Kleins Stationary at 368 Anderson.
● Taliferro Records opened in 1934, located at 728 Anderson Avenue, and later changed the name to Country Music in 1961. It is still a family owned business with Bill Demearest as proprietor.
● A. K. Macagna Funeral Home located at 495 Anderson Avenue opened in 1968 and is still a family operated business.